Truth, Transformation, Testimony…



Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. – 2 Timothy 2:15

Kickstart Your Theological Education

Get an education that fits the way you live today and puts you in control. Earn your Theological degree online at Good News Seminary Inc.

Two-year Bachelors Degree Program

GNSBC offers an accelerated program that allows students to obtain a BA degree within two years.

Diverse Student Community

We encourage diversity within our college and welcome students who are prepared to learn in an enriched and growing collegiate environment.

What we Do

Biblical Theological education and real world ministry experiences

World Class Faculty

GNSBC professors are experienced, well trained and are ready to help develop you for Christian ministries.

Diverse Student Community

We encourage diversity within our college and welcome students who are prepared to learn in an enriched and growing collegiate environment.


Our alumni are well prepared and equipped in theological studies and exhibit competence in their discipline.

Get Started

Reinvent Yourself:
Discover the Rewards of a University of Life Degree

Get an education that fits the way you live today and puts you in control. Earn your Theological degree online at Good News Seminary Inc.



President – Chancellor

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) With the understanding that studying the Word of God and applying the principles is imperative in our lives, we are equipping future skilled Theologians to become efficient and effective in the field of ministry.

Good News Seminary Inc., equips leaders for the global mission of the Church through biblical theological education and real world ministry experiences.  Its primary purpose is to empower men and women to communicate and embody the Gospel effectively in whatever context God places them.  Through a robust theological education, Good News offers its students a unique opportunity to prepare for service and leadership in the Church Community.

I sincerely say to current and future students that you must discipline yourself to pursue excellence in raising the standards within yourselves. As Christians, we need to demonstrate to the next generation, and our future leaders of tomorrow, the importance of getting an education and making a difference.


About Us

Truth, Transformation, Testimony…

Our vision is to educate our students to confront and establish spirituality in every context and opportunity. Good News Seminary is an advocate of orthodoxy and orthopraxy.